Thank You & About Me

Hey y’all! Thank you so much for swinging in and having a look! I truly appreciate your support. 

Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always wanted to pursue art. My late Aunt Barbara really helped this passion blossom into what it is today. She had a folk art gallery named “Rosehips” so this is my tribute to her.

Despite growing up in the Appalachian Foothills I have always had a fascination and love for the western lifestyle and turquoise. So I thought what better way than to combine my love for art and my love for turquoise.

In 2019 I made my mom a pair of earrings out of some of my grandfathers tack that was weathered beyond repair. I cut them out, painted some flowers on them and they made the perfect sentimental gift. Then, my sister wanted a pair. That’s how this all came to life!